
As I previously stated, I feel strongly about making the presented scroll pertinent and personalized to the recipient. For some people, this may be their only award ever, which is totally perfect if that is their wish, but if so, let’s make it the most awesome scroll for them! I thought about this quite a bit…and while I know some folks (and more as time passes), I don’t know everybody. Facebook stalking only gets you so far if you are not friends with that person or a friend of a friend. Other scribes have got to feel the angst in not knowing the person to whom you’re assigned, no? What to do?

I came up with a plan. I created a “Getting to Know You” form for the folks of our Barony…start local and hopefully move outward from there. If I can get folks into the Chancery database, then any scribe can have access to basic information. Yes, these would become dated as folks received awards, etc., but at least the basic things (favorite colors, name spelling, etc.) should remain fairly constant. Below is mine, filled out. I brought blanks to canton meetings and some events. My next goal is to put it into a google.doc and put it up on our Baronial page.

Baronial member’s Information sheet.

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