A Court Baronage Award

Court Baronage award, stepping down from his position of Baron of Caer Mear.

I confess that I wanted this to be elaborate and golden and full of fancy decorations. To which his wife replied, “Umm, no.” She explained that he was a simple man who really liked geometric designs and his favorite colors were blue and gold (his heraldry colors). Oh, and could I fit in a portrait of their dog?

Now those who know this amazing man know he is beautifully dedicated and skilled.. He has received ALL the awards of Atlantia, some of which no longer exist. He is the oldest active knight in our kingdom. But, I feel that the scroll should speak to the recipient (as I have noted before) and who would know him better than his spouse?

Research brought me to the exemplar that I used, it fit the bill of geometric and correct colors, but was not stark or plain.

Exemplar: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000012631&page=1&search=Misal+romano&lang=es&view=main

In place of the marginalia, I placed his achievements….his Baronage, his Laurel, his Pelican and his Knight’s Chain. I also placed him alongside Spike, holding is favorite weapon. And of course, his pup received a place of honor in the primary initial!

This was gouache painted on pergamenata, with gesso and gold leaf. The chain is shell gold.

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